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Oil & Gas
Load test for complex flare tip replacement in Conbit warehouse

Conbit performed load test for a complex flare tip replacement project

Conbit performed a dynamic load test, with the client’s presence,  at its site in Eindhoven for an upcoming flare tip replacement project in Kazakhstan. 

The load test involved holding the test weight for 15 minutes, then holding the maximum position for 15 minutes to analyze the lift at every step. The test weight during the lift was set at 125% of the heaviest flare tip.

The project will involve the replacement of two flare tips, weighing 1,300kg and 2,000kg, and the removal of the davit. Works will be executed at the top of the stack 100m high. The flares will be lifted using the gantry and lowered to the ground level using a winch line.

“One of our main challenges on this project is the limited strength of the flare structure,” explained Dries van Mierlo, Project Manager.

“As the structure has limited strength, we looked at how we could maximize and incorporate our structural engineering to determine where the strong points will be. As the client required the equipment on-site in March to be ready in the event of an emergency shutdown, we needed to perform the load test ahead of schedule. So, we were in the best position to mobilize the equipment quickly.”

The scheduled shutdown is expected to take place in May 2019. As the shutdown period will only be four days, Conbit needed to be confident that the works could be performed within the limited period. A specialist crew of rope access-certified will be deployed.

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Bram van Oirschot

Commercial Director


Conbit B.V.

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Do you have any technical questions, general enquiries or do you need additional information? Don’t hesitate to contact our experts. With their expertise and experience in lifting services, they will gladly help you.

You can contact us by phone or email. We’re looking forward to your questions!
Bram van Oirschot

Bram van Oirschot

Commercial Director